Entomology Oneliner : Order- Diptera


Order- Diptera

·       Di= two , ptera = wing

·       Common Name = True flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Midges

·       Mouthparts are sucking type but may be modified

·       Fore wings are membranous and used for flight

·       Hind wings are reduced into halters

·       Complete metamorphosis

·       Larvae of diptera is known as maggot

·        Maggots are apodous and acepalous

·       Pupa is generally coarctate type

·       Puparium – last larval skin of diptera which hardened during pupation and pupa remain within it

·       It has 3 sub order-

·       Nematocera (Thread-horn )

·       Brachycera (Short-horn)

·       Cyclorrhapha( Circular-crack)




Antennae long and many segmented

Antennae short and few segmented

Antennae is aristate

Larval head is well devoloped

Larval head is retractile into thorax

Larval head is vestigial with mouth hooks

Larval mandible act horizontally

Larval mandible act vertically

Mouth hooks act vertically

Pupa is weakly  obtect

Pupa is exerate

Pupa is coarctate

Adult emergence is through straight split in the thorasic region

Adult emergence is through straight split in the thorasic region

Adult emerge through the circular line of weakness by giving pressure using the eversible bladder “Ptillium


·       Nematocera has 2 family-

·       Culicidae- Mosquito

·       Cecidomyiidae – Gall midges

Culicidae :-


Known as wriggler chewing  mouth part, Eucephalous larvae


Known as tumbler, it has a pair of pthorasic horns which houses the anterior pair of spiracles. A pair of anal paddles is present at terminal end helps in swimming.


Antennae- Male mosquito-Plumose , Female mosquito-pilose


·       Cecidomyiidae:-

A dark sclerotised area is present midventrally on prothorax in the larvae called “chest bone”.


·       Brachycera has 2 family –

·       Asilidae – Robber fly

·       Tabanidae- Horse fly

·       Larvae is hemicephalous type

·       Pupa is exeratae type

·       Stylate antennae

·       Robber fly have mouth-beard


·       Cyclorrhapha  has 7 family –

·       Syrphidae – Hoverfly, Flower fly

·       Tephritidae – Fruit fly

·       Agromyzidae – Leaf miner, pod fly, stem flies

·       Drosophilidae – Drosophila melanogaster, Pomace fly

·       Tachinidae – Tachanid fly

·       Muscidae - House fly

·       Hippoboscidae – Dog fly


·       In syphidae spurious vein is present between radius and median. Larvae feed on aphid and soft bodied insect.

·       In tephritidae subcosta bends apically , female has sharp and projecting ovipositor

·       Arista is completely bare in case of tachanidae

·       Hippoboscidae are viviparous. They give birth of mature larvae which pupates immediately after emerging.

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