Q.1 Siphonculi projecting from – a) 5th b)6th c)7th d) 5th or 6th abdominal segment

Q.2 Short and horny ovipositor seen in – a) Short horned grasshopper b) Long horn grasshopper c) cricket d) honey bee

Q.3 Tracheal respiration is shown in –a) Peripetas b) prawn c) scorpion d) spider

Q.4 Heart of insect present in – a) ventral b) dorsal c) lateral d) dorso-ventral position

Q.5 Scorpion belong to the class –a) Crustacea b) Arachnida c)Chilopoda d) Diplopoda

Q.6 a) dorsal b) vental c) median d) both a & b valvulae – acts as egg-guide.

Q.7 Excretory organ of onychophora – a)Nephridia b)green gland c) Coxal gland d) Malpigian tubules

Q.8 Image perception is done by- a)compound eyes b) Simple eyes c) both d)falcon

Q.9 No of stigmata on grasshopper - a)10 b) 8 c)6 d) 4 pair.

Q.10 Pinning region for betteles – a)Pronotum b )Right Elytron )c)Right Tegmen d)Thorax

Q.11 The form assumed by any insect between 2 moulting known as-- a) stadium b) instar c)exuvie d)moult

Q.12 Spur is – a) unicellular cuticular appandages b)multicellular cuticular appandages
c) unicellular cuticular processes d) multicellular cuticular processes

Q.13 Arthopodin –a) water soluble tanned protein b) water soluble untanned protein
c) water insoluble tanned protein d) water insoluble untanned protein

Q.14 Pterostigma present in – a) dragon fly b)house fly c) mosquito d)all of these.

Q.15 Wing articulation sclerites known as – a) vannus b) jugum c) pterilia d) axilla.

Q.16 Jugate type wing coupling present in- a) bees b) fruit sucking moth c)hawk moth d) hepialid moth

Q.17 sectorial cross vein is between –a) costa and sub costa b) Sc2-R1 c) R3-R4 d) R4- M1

Q.18 Rectal gills are found- a) may fly b) dragon fly c) damsel fly d) all of these

Q.19 Cerci is asymmetrical in case of – a) scoliid wasp b) Earwigd d) male embidd d) water scorpion

Q.20 No of order under apterygota – a) 3 b)4 c)5 d)7

General Agriculte on Pathology

Q.1 ELISA test is done for ---a) Viral b) bacterial c)Fungal d) Mycoplasama disease.

Q.2 In rust repeating spore is –a) teliospore b) basidiospore c) uredospore d) both a & c

Q.3 Ridomil is effective for the control of –a) oomycetes b)ascomycetes c)basidiomycetes d) All of these fungus

Q.4 Burgandy mixture was given by—a) Millerdet b)Mason c)Singh d) prevost

Q.5 Hot water treatment was given by—a) Jesen b) Luthra c) Von schmeling & Kulka d) K.C meheta

Q.6 Father of modern mycology – a) Anton de Bary b) P. A Micheli c) E. J Buttler d) E.F Smith

Q.7 Example of Plant Pandemic disease – a) Late blight of potato b) COVID-19 c) Red rot of sugarcane d) All of these

Q.8 Cancer disease of Wheat- a) Loose smut b) Black rust c) Karnal bunt d) Tundu disease.

Q.9 Damping off is caused by- a)Pythium sp b) Phytopthora sp c) Alternaria d) Both a & b

Q.10 Target board symptoms is seen in case of –
a)Pythium b) Phytopthora c) Alternaria d) Cercospora attack

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