Q.1 Cigar shaped egg is seen in case of - a) Castor butterfly b) Citrus butterfly c) Sorghum shoot fly d)Green lacewing fly
Q.2 Auditory receptors are present in -a) Anteenae b) abdominal segment c) wings d) All of these
Q.3 Gustatory receptor sensative to - a) mechanical forces b) sound waves c) smell d) heat.
Q.4 Choose the correct one-
a) Johnston's organ present in the flagellomeres.
b) Olfactory receptors are uniporous .
c) Crepuscular insects have super-position type ommatidia.
d) Stemmata are visual organ of holometabolous adult.
Q.5 Match the following
A | B- |
i)Monophagous pest | a)Lamelicorn bettle |
ii)Polyphagous pest | b)Epiricania |
iii)Carnivorous | c)Scirpophaga |
iv)Saprophagous | d)Helicoverpa |
Q.6 Deuterotoky is seen in case of- a) aphid b) bees c)stick insects d) cynid wasp
Q.7 Weismann's ring is found in larvae of -- a) coleoptera b) strepsiptera c) diptera d) lepidoptera
Q.9 Lac glands are- a) modified labial gland b) dermal gland c) accesory gland d) dorsal gland
Q.10 Repugnatorial gland is found in case of- a)Naustate termites b) Pierid butterfly c) Bed bug d) Citrus butterfly
Q.11 Polyembryoni is seen in case of - a) trophamnion b)liriomyza c) platygaster d)polygaster
Q.12 In case of ovoviviparity eggs are incubated at- a) genital tract b) reproductive tract c)haemoceal d) uterus
Q.13 Insemination is external in case of - a) bed bug b) cockroach c) silverfish d) springtail
Q.14 Spermatids is - a) haploid b) diploid c) triploid d) tetraploid.
Q.15 Telotrophic ovariole is found in case of- a) cockroach b) Moths c) Bugs d) Fruitflies
Q.16 Spumaline is deposited by- a) Grasshopper b) Cockroach c) Mantids d) Molecricket
Q.17 Egg raft is formed by- a) Female Anopheles mosquito b) adis mosquito c) Culex mosquito d) Male anopheles mosquito
Q.18 Euciform larvae is seen in case of- a) Slug catterpillar b) Wriggler c)larve of robber fly d)larvae of house fly
Q.19 Appandages are glued to the body in case of -a) obtect b)exerate c) coarctate d) puparium pupa.
Q.20 Balloning is seen in case of -a) gypsy moth b) Hippoboscid c) aphid d) all of these
a)peritreme,b)tracheoles,c)air sacs,d)taenidia.
Q.22)Caudal breathing tube is the tracheal system of
a)Water bug, b)water scorpion ,c)water beetles,c)mayfly naiad
Q.23)Peripneustic respiration is found in
a)maggot,b)caterpillar,c)wriggler,d)head louse.
Q.24)” uric acid is stored in the body wall,giving white colour” this statement is valid for which insect?
a)American cockroach, b)red cotton bug ,c)pieris butterfly,d)grasshopper.
Q.25)Chloride cells are found in
a)Mid gut, b)hind gut, c)fore gut,d)nephrocytes.
Q.26)No of malpighian tubules in aphids?
a)6,b)60,c)more than 200,d)absent.
Q.27)Pre oral cavity between hypopharynx and salivary duct is called
Q.28)Goblet cells are found in
a)Mid gut,b)fore gut,c)salivary glands,d)filter chamber.
Q.29)Which is absent in sap feeders?
a)Peritrophic membrane,b)Proventriculus,c)mesenteron ,d)both a & b.
Q.30)Function of gastric caeca is
a)It lubricates and facilitate food movement
b)It increases the functional area of mid gut
c)It protects mid gut against harder food particles
d)All of these.
Q.31)Invertase is found in the saliva of
a)jassid,b)plant bug,c)gall midge ,d)nectar feeders.
Q.32)The glands in which enzyme secretion occurs without cell breakdown is called
a)apocrine,b)merocrine,c)holocrine,d)none of these.
Q.33)Motor neurons conduct impulse
a)From sense organs to CNS
b)From CNS to effector organs
c)From effector to brain
d)From CNS to sense organ.
Q.34)Neurochemicals transmitters are involved in
a)Synaptic conduction,b)axonic conduction,c)dendritic conduction,d)ganglia impulse.
Q.35)Thoraco-abdominal ganglia innervates
Q.36)pH in insect haemolymph is
Q.37)Carbohydrates present in insect plasma is
Q.38)Visceral nervous system is also called
a)sympathetic,b)para sympathetic,c)peripheral,d)lateral
Q.39)Smallest haemocytic cell in insect haemolymph is
Q.40)Which haemocytic cells have largest nucleus?