Q.1 In India Bee Keeping was introduced in the year –
A) 1851
B) 1882
C) 1911
D) 1951
Q.2 Horizontal Comb is produced by –
A) Rock Bee
B) Little Bee
C) Meliponidae
D) Both A & B
Q.3 Duration of egg stage in worker bee –
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 7 days
Q.4 No of bee (Apis cerena indica) colonies required for pollination purpose –
A) 3/ha
B) 5/ha
C) Either A or B
D) Not required
Q.5 Choose the correct one –
A. Wax gland present in the 4-7 sternum of the worker honey bee
B. Bee wax isolated by Butler et al. and they identified it as 9-oxodec-trans-2-enoic acid
C. Mandibular gland helps in Royal Jelly Secretion
D. Hypopharangeal gland helps in the secretion of Queen Substance
Q.6 When all the bee leaves the whole colony known as –
A. Swarming
B. Absconding
C. Migration
D. Superseduring
Q.7 Supering is done when –
A. Old queen is unable to lay egg
B. Death of a old queen
C. More than one queen developed in the colony
D. None
Q.8 Plants which are good source of both pollen and nector –
A.Tamarind, Guava , Coconut
B. Maize , Sorghum, Tobbaco
C. Plum, Peach, Pear
D. Mango, Coconut, Pomegranate
Q.9 Match the following –
List I | List II |
A. Nosema disease | I. Acarapsis woodi |
B. Isle of wight | II. Streptococcus sp |
C. American foulbrood | III. Bacillus pluton |
D. European foulbrood | IV. Nosema species |
Q.10 The amount of Sucrose in ripened honey –
A. 41%
C. 1.5 %
D. 1.9%
Q.11 Which of the foolowing is not secreted by honey bee
A. Honey
D. None
Q.12 Specific gravity of honey is 1.35-1.44. It is measured by
a) Recfractometer
B) Hygrometer
c) Hydrometer
d)Reflective Indicator
Q.13 Bivoltine Coccon of Silkworm is
a) Mysore
b) Nistari
d)All of these
e) None
Q.14 Silk gland is …………… in origin
c) Mesodermal
d) Cuticular
Q.15 The length of silk thread in a cocoon of Bombyx mori ranges from?
a. 900 to 1000 M
b. 100 to 150 M
c. 400 to 600 M
d. 100 to 350 M
Q.16 Which of the following produce non-rellable silk –
a) Tasar Silkworm
b) Muga Silkworm
c)Eri Silkworm
d)Mulbery Silkworm
Q.17 Rearing Method for III instar mulberry silkworm-
a) Tray and Box Method
b) Shelf rearing method
c) Floor and shoot method
d) both b & c.
e) both a & c
Q.18 1 kg of lac is harvested from-
a) 300000 insect
b) 2 milion insect
c) 160-180 kg coccon
d) None
Q.19 % of shell lac in kiri-
a) 20%
b) 50%
Q.20 Central silk board is present in
a) Bangalore
b) Mysore
d) Hosur