Q.2 Fleas belogs to the order- a) Odonata b) Diptera c) Siphonoptera d) Strepsiptera
Q.3 Entognathous mouth part seen in case of- a) Thysanura b) Protura c) Collembola d) Both b & c
Q.4 Cerci is many segmented in case of- a) Silverfish b) Cockroach c) Cricket d)All
Q.5 In which insect order flagella of antenna are muscular- a) Collembola b) Diplutra c) Protura d) Embioptera.
Q.6 Anamorphosis is seen in case of- a) Ephemeroptera b) Protura c) Silverfish d)Spring tail
Q.7 Abdomen is 11 segmented in case of a) silverfish b) Protura c) Grasshopper d) Both a & c
Q.8 Choose the right one - a) Protura- Entognathous biting mouthpart
b) Collembola- Entognathous biting mouthpart
c) Thysanura- Ectognathous biting mouthpart
d) Diplura - Entognathous chewing mouthpart
Q.9 Mouth part of adult mayfly- a) Mandibular b) Chewing Type c) atrophied d)Biting Type
Q.10 Respiratory organ of dragonfly naiad is- a) Caudal gill b) Rectal gill c)laterral gills d) none.
Q.11 Forewing og grasshopper helps to - a) flight b) protection c)both d) none
Q.12 Katydid belongs to family- a)acrididae b) tetigondae c) grylidae d) grtllotalpidae.
Q.13 Cerci long and unsegmented in case of- a) Grasshopper b)Cricket c) Cockroach d) leaf insect.
Q.14 Head is prognathous in case of-- a) Orthoptera b) Phasmida c)Plecoptera d)Coleoptera
Q.15 Sclerotized foreceps lokecerci is found in case of- a) Phasmida b)dermaptera c)Embioptera d) Plecoptera
Q.16 Match the following-
A | B |
a) Skip it | i) Orthoptera |
b) Euplexoptera | ii) Plecoptera |
c) Pelaria | iii) Dermaptera |
d) Myrientomota | iv) Protura |
Q.17 Match the following-
A | B |
a) Tarsus one segmented | i) Diplura |
b) Tarsus 5 Segmented | ii) Leaf insect |
c) Tarsus is fused with tibia | iii) long Horned Grasshopper |
d) Tarsus 4 segmented | iv) Collembola |
Q.18 Mala is found in case of- a) Grasshopper b) Collembola c) Odonata d) Mayfly
Q.19 In case of Mole cricket tympanum is present on a) 1st abdominal segment b) Hind femur c) Fore tibia d) Hind Tibia
Q.20 Locust Belongs to the suborder- a) Acrididae b) Caelifera c) Ensifera d) Gryllidae.
Q.21 Blattidae lays eggs inside- a) Spumaline b) Ootheca c) Faces d) Grass
Q.22 Cerci is many segmented in case of a) Cockroach b)Mantids c) Grasshopper d) Both a & b e)all of these
Q.23 How many caste present in isopteran group- a)2 b)3 c)4 d)5
Q.24 Physogastry is seen in case of – a) King b) Queen c)Worker d) Soilder Termite
Q.25 Moniliform antennae is seen in case of- a) Isoptera b) Zygoptera c) Mallophaga d) Both a & b
Q.26 Y shaped Epicranial suture is found in case of a) Dermaptera b) Zygoptera c) Mallophaga d) Both a& b e)all of these
Q.27 Pediculosis is caused by- a) Siphonculata b) Zygoptera c) Mallophaga d))all of these
Q.28 Fungal garden is developed by- a) Protozoa b) Fungus c) Termite d) Bacteria e) Both d & b